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What are responsive pills in Bootstrap 5?

Responsive pills built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Pills or called chips are button-like navigation components which can allows users navigate to another pages or switch to another content on the same page. Documentation and examples for pills how to usage and JavaScript plugin. Use the nav-pills to nav element make its pills.

What is Bootstrap Nav?

Bootstrap provides an easy and quick way to create basic navigation as well as components like tabs and pills which are very flexible and elegant. All the Bootstrap's nav components, including tabs and pills, share the same base markup and styles through the base .nav class.

How to create a simple pill navigation menu in Bootstrap?

Creating a Simple Pills Navigation Menu: In order to create a simple pills navigation menu, you just need to add the class .nav-pills to your nav element along with .nav class, which is the base class for every navigation style available in bootstrap. The .nav class element wraps in all the .nav-link class elements.

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